Local SEO RI

Google Structured Data Markup Tool

What is Google Structured Data Markup Tool?

Googles SDMT (Structured Data Markup tool) helps you mark up important elements on your web page. This is done so Google can understand the data on your page more clearly. Most important for Local Businesses. It takes around ten minutes or less to go through the Structured Data Markup Tool and ensure you are tagging the correct data for your web site. Don’t forget Google loves consistent data.

Here is an image when you start to utilize the tool.

1. You want to ensure you select Local Business and type in your correct URL.

Local SEO RI Google Structured Data Markup

2. Now you want to select the elements on your web page.

Local SEO Google Data Markup

3. After you selected all the data elements, click create HTML.

Local SEO RI Create HTML

4. Now you want to take this code and paste it between the HEAD of your header file.

Local SEO Finished Data Markup

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