Local SEO RI

What are online citations

There are several SEO strategies to boost your online presence and increase your website ranking. It is essential to explore all the available SEO tactics to your advantage. From on-page SEO to backlinking, you should not ignore other aspects of SEO if you aim to improve your ranking on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). As a result, online citations come handy when you want to improve your online presence and give your SEO strategy a boost.

What are Online Citations?

Online citations refer to web-based references or online listing of your business, detailing your business name, physical address or location, and phone number. Your business will greatly benefit from online citations from websites such as Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, and much more. Your web presence and visibility will be improved, and more people will be able to find you online.

Online citations provide a guide for Google and other search engines to locate your business. Having more online citations will undoubtedly give a clear perception of your business and build trust in your business. As a result, online citations help Google to trust in the genuineness of a company and confirm the correctness of the business’ details, such as its business name, address, and phone number. Besides, the validity of the business concerning the industry it belongs also gets confirmed.

It would interest you to know that a higher level of priority is given to a business that has more quality citations than other businesses in the same industry. As a result, online citations help in search engine ranking, which is the objective of any SEO strategy.


Benefits of Online Citations to a Website

Online citations unarguably offer several benefits to a website or business. If the primary goals of SEO are online visibility and search engine ranking, then online citations help you to achieve them faster. Meanwhile, here are the benefits of online citations.

  1. Online citations help to build trust in your website or business.
  2. Citations reposition and improve your search engine ranking in Google’s local search results.
  3. You can easily outrank your competitors through high-quality online citations.
  4. Drive more quality and organic traffic to your website or business.



Several citation websites are available to cite your business or website. If you want to get online citations for your business, start with the following:

  1. Google My Business
  2. Yelp
  3. Facebook
  4. Home Advisor

However, you must ensure that the information you provide across all the citation websites is similar. Provide your business’s name, address, and phone number in the same format. This process is also known as NAP.


Get your business or website cited on the appropriate online citation platforms if you want to improve your site’s online presence, visibility, and ranking. Your SEO strategy is incomplete without getting quality online citations for your website or business.

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